I come to health coaching honestly – by my own testimony.
Despite my medical background and years of experience as a registered nurse, there came a time when I needed health and nutrition help myself. I spent a lot of time both researching and experimenting with various options before I came up with some changes that made sense for both me and my family AND were sustainable. As grateful as I am for my medical degree, as it very much informs what I do as a health coach, it failed to fully equip me when it came to addressing my own and my family’s issues regarding healthy living, the result being… taking matters into my own hands.
Plus, what I was seeing out in the field was significant – increased levels of all manner of allergies and autoimmune diseases, not to mention diabetes and debilitating stress and anxiety – all of which contributed to my wanting to impart to others what I’d learned on my own.
Hence the transition to health coaching – which in effect is part guide, part cheerleader, part advisor, and part mentor. Why the transition? Because I have a passion for it and don’t want others to go it alone like I did. After all, what is done alone is often not done at all, and if not done at all, then serious consequences may result.
I want to help you negotiate the dizzying amount of information about dieting fads, gut health, supplements, exercise, and more, helping you to discard some and yet siphon off the good bits into a plan which makes sense for you individually – small, manageable, digestible bites for the long run is what I usually suggest.
My consultation consists of assessing your lifestyle and physical needs, taking any number of factors into consideration. Every person and every family is unique, so in the area of health and wellness, in no way does one-size-fit-all.
The consultation is one-on-one or by phone or video call, depending on your preferences. We’ll come up with a plan which I’ll keep you accountable to; and I'll come into your home if desired to check out your kitchen and cupboard and suggest changes. We’ll even go shopping together if that’s helpful.
In the process, we’ll share some laughs too, as through it all, laughter IS the best medicine, with OUR common goal being YOUR goal of getting healthier – one step at a time.
The age range of people I help is vast. I’ll include your kids and aging parents into the mix if that’s desired – each age and stage having its own unique needs.
If Juice Plus+ should be part of your overall health plan, or even the first simple step toward reaching your goals, then we’ll talk about and implement that too.
I’m passionate about helping people navigate the dizzying options regarding diet, exercise, and eating right. Let me come alongside you and help you reach your personal goals!
Call me today to set up a free consultation!